How to use acupressure mat for sciatica-Easy steps by Expert

Last Updated on 2 years ago by Edward Matheson

Acupressure massage is one of the best and ancient massages that helps to keep one fit and balanced and create a connection between the body, mind, and spirit. An acupressure mat is a modern way to get an acupressure massage. You can get relief and ease from body pain and health issues, including sciatica. But do you know how to use acupressure mat for sciatica? how to use acupressure mat for sciatica

In this modern era, people are always busy, and in this business, they are unable or forget to take care of their health. Consequently, they face many health issues, including back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, sciatica, and many more.

It is estimated that more than 75% of the world's grown-up people suffer from back and joint pain. They use a back massager or neck massager, or massage chair for different types of pain. They are a good option if you want to invest a reasonable amount, have enough time to spend, or have a specific pain. But what about sciatica?

An acupressure mat is the best option for sciatica. But do you know how to use acupressure mat for sciatica? How can it help you? Will it be a good option? Do you also have these questions in your mind? If yes, then don't worry because we are here to your help. Learn how to use acupressure mat for sciatica from our ideal massager experts and get relief from your sciatica pain. So, let's dive into the article.

What is sciatica?

Sciatica is a condition that creates slight to severe pain in the lowers back, buttocks, and legs, which can be critical and permanent. It gets chronic with time and prevents the sufferer from leading an everyday life normally. This is a radiculopathy, which means having deterioration in the nerve root that causes the pain. People with sciatica know how distressing life can be because of this pain. The worst part is the pain gets worsens day by day.

Causes of sciatica:

Sciatica is a serious health issue, and with time this pain changes from slight to severe. There are many reasons behind sciatica pain. Different people get sciatica pain for various reasons. Some most common reasons are the following:

  • Slipped and distorted herniated discs
  • Vertebral stenosis, which is a common cause for people with 60+ age
  • Isthmic spondylitis, which irritates the nerves severely, causing the sciatica pain
  • Dyscarthrosis, which is the deterioration of the lumbar vertebrae that cause nerve irritation.
  • After surgery, if the wounds are not properly healed
  • Pregnancy, related issues, tumors, and infections
  • Strains

What is an acupressure mat?

An acupressure mat is a modern invention to provide the acupressure mat in a modern way. This is a new version of India's popular bed of nails. This mat comes with 4000-6000+ spikes that focus on every point and provide you with the most desired acupressure massage. The spikes are designed to stimulate pressure points to give you the best acupressure massage, increase blood circulation and create a symphony between your body, mind, and soul.

An acupressure mat can help you to get relief from any kind of pain, be it back, neck, shoulder, feet, or body pain. It even works best for sciatica. If you are a sufferer of sciatica pain, tried many medicine, massager, or other methods but couldn't get any results, then this acupressure mat is for you.

How to use acupressure mat for sciatica

An acupressure mat is one of the best ways to relieve sciatica. But to get the actual result, you need to understand and use it properly. But do you know how to use acupressure mat for sciatica. If not, then follow the below steps and discover how to use acupressure mat for sciatica from our ideal massager experts.

How to use acupressure mat for sciatica pain in the lower limb

  • Put the acupressure mat on any suitable surface, such as the floor or even the bed
  • Lie on the mat on your back and calm down.
  • Position the acupressure pad adequately beneath your tailbone. While doing this, yous should raise your pelvis.
  • Bend each leg simultaneously and get your knee closure to your abdomen. Bring it as much closure as you can.
  • Perform this step at least 10 times repeatedly. Just do one leg after another.
  • Then bend both legs at the same time and do the steps 10 times.
  • After finishing the above steps, rotate your hips to each side while your legs are bent. This step should also be done 10 times.
  • You should do the whole session within 10 minutes, including the break.

How to use acupressure mat for sciatica pain in the buttocks

  • Put the acupressure mat on any suitable surface, such as the floor or even the bed.
  • Sit on the mat and place your legs in a butterfly position.
  • Now, move your body back and forth. It will help you to stimulate all regions of the gluteus.
  • Do ten cycles of this movement.
  • Now move the body sideways. It will help you to stimulate the sides.
  • Do ten cycles of this movement as well.
  • Now stretch your body to increase circulation and generate mobility. It isĀ 
  • You should do the whole session within 10 minutes, including the break.

We hope this article has helped you enough with the information of how to use acupressure mat for sciatica. You should follow all the steps correctly and try to do this 20min of exercise every day. At least do a 10min session daily to get relief from sciatica pain. If you follow the process regularly before bedtime, then you can see the result within a week. So follow the steps of how to use acupressure mat for sciatica and enjoy a life free from sciatica.

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